Xeomin vs Botox: Which is More Effective? - Medicus Vein Care

Xeomin vs Botox: Which is More Effective?

Table of Content

  • Xeomin vs Botox: How do these wrinkle treatments compare?
  • Botox or Xeomin: which is right for me?

Botox and Xeomin are varieties of botulinum toxin type A — an injectable neurotoxin approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to minimize wrinkles and fine lines. 

Both treatments share some similarities and are considered safe, effective, and convenient. Still, there are some key differences between the two brands to consider. 

Xeomin vs Botox: How do these wrinkle treatments compare?

These two injections belong to a class of neurotoxin that relaxes muscles in targeted areas. With either, results are generally visible within a week of treatment and last between three to six months.

Researchers advise against using Botox and Xeomin interchangeably. Mixing them could increase the risk of side effects or of blocked antibodies, which can reduce the treatments’ effectiveness over time.

What is Botox?

Botox is a medication based on botulism toxins and on additional secondary proteins associated with botulism. Botox and Xeomin both work by blocking signals between your nerves and your muscles. This limits contractions to smooth and soften existing wrinkles while preventing new ones. 

Botox is most effective for:

  • Horizontal forehead lines
  • The “11” lines between the eyes
  • Crow’s feet, or lines around the eye
  • Frown lines

Botox recovery time

Most people require no recovery time after getting a Botox injection and can return to their normal daily routine.

To ensure optimal results following a Botox treatment, doctors advise that patients:

  • Relax for the rest of the day, avoiding strenuous activity
  • Avoid touching, rubbing, or putting pressure on the affected area
  • Avoid direct sun exposure, blood-thinning medications, and alcohol for at least 24 hours after your injection

If you do experience any discomfort after your procedure, you can apply a cold compress to the area for 20 minutes at a time and take Tylenol as necessary for pain relief.

How long does it take for Botox to work?

Patients can expect to see the full effects of their Botox treatment within about 10 to 14 days. IAPAM says that some people start seeing results as early as three to four days following injection, while for others, it can take up to seven days

The area treated, amount of Botox used, and frequency of treatments can also dictate each person’s timeline of results. For example, finer lines — like those around the corners of the eyes — may yield faster results than an injection targeting deep, etched forehead lines. 

How long does Botox last?

The aesthetic effects of Cosmetic Botox typically wear off after three to six months. Everyone’s experience will be a little different, however, as several factors can influence how long Botox maintains its effectiveness, like:

  • Your age
  • Your metabolic rate
  • Wrinkle severity
  • Your skin’s elasticity
  • Lifestyle behaviors like smoking or sun exposure

What is Xeomin?

Xeomin (incobotulinumtoxinA) was approved by the FDA in 2011 for the treatment of several conditions, including severe neck spasms (cervical dystonia,) excessive salivation, and facial wrinkles. 

Xeomin and Botox both relax muscles to smooth and prevent wrinkles. The difference between them lies in their molecular makeup. While Botox contains “ accessory proteins,” Xeomin has no additive proteins — just a “naked” dose of botulinum toxin.

This lack of additives can make Xeomin a safer alternative for people with skin sensitives or allergies. There’s also evidence that Xeomin’s formula may work faster and last longer than Botox. It might also lower the risk of antibody blocking or resistance, and reduce the effectiveness of botulinum over time.

How much does Xeomin cost?

Xeomin injections are similarly priced to Botox. The treatment may cost a little bit less, since the formula contains no additives or require refrigeration. 

IAPAM says that the average retail cost of a Xeomin injection is about $300 to $400. 

Xeomin recovery time

Like Botox, Xeomin injections require little downtime following the procedure. 

Patients can resume normal activities after their appointment so long as they take the precautions recommended, like avoiding blood-thinning medications and supplements, sun exposure, and alcohol. 

How long does it take Xeomin to work?‌

Xeomin is reported to work slightly faster than Botox, with most patients seeing full results in about ten days. In most cases, however, you should start to see the injection’s effects within three to five days.

How long does Xeomin last?

Like Botox, Xeomin’s effects last between three to six months, dependent on characteristics like an individual’s metabolism, lifestyle behaviors, and age. 

Do Botox and Xeomin have different risks?

Both Xeomin and Botox can cause temporary side effects at the injection site, like pain, redness, bruising, swelling, and itchiness. 

Cosmetic Botox can also cause: 

  • Trouble swallowing
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Blurred vision or sensitivity to light
  • Dry mouth
  • Allergic reaction 
  • Drowsiness or dizziness

Xeomin lists fewer potential side effects, which include:

  • Neck pain or headache
  • Dry eyes and blinking less than usual
  • Eyelid swelling or bruising
  • Tiredness

Both treatments are considered safe and pose little risk to patients when administered by a professional. 

Botox or Xeomin: which is right for me?

Botox and Xeomin are both effective treatments for minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Xeomin can cost less, has fewer listed side effects, and may work faster and last longer. It also may trigger fewer allergic and sensitivty reactions, and reduce the odds of antibody resistance. Your doctor can help you determine which is best for you based on your personal goals.

At Medicus Vein Care, our Advanced Injectors have years of highly specialized experience in treating skin concerns with botulinum treatments like Botox. Book a free consultation to discuss your goals and expectations — and we’ll build a plan to deliver your desired results.